Vietnam became a member of WTO in 2009 which has opened new opportunities for the country as well as had impacted deeply on the community of business leaders. Together with joy accompanies great anxiety, as most businesses in Vietnam operate on small and medium scale, originating from family-based trading establishments. Unprofessional management conducts and limited management capabilities have created certain obstacles to the business while facing rising fierce competition from the market. From making strategies, drawing business plans, managing almost every activity of the businesses by themselves, businessmen, at the same time opportunity-based directors, have realized the urgent demand for professional Managing Director (Chief Executive Officer – CEO) within the business. CEO Club was established for the purpose of gathering Vietnamese who are working as CEO, aiming to become CEO or having interest in the CEO profession in order to share, exchange profession knowledge, skills, thus improving management abilities and helping to create and maintain business’ competitive abilities.
The core values of the Club consisting: “professional orientation, aiming for applicable knowledge, valuing team cooperation, knowledge utilization”. The Club was started with the event of 80 members meeting on August 21st 2005 at Kim Do Hotel – Ho Chi Minh City and later the creation of the website on August 25th 2005 with a green logo that represented belief and hope of individuals practicing the CEO profession.
After 2 years of development, the activities of CEO Club focus mainly on conferences and business exchange tour to member enterprises.
On January 14th, 2010, together with an unrelenting spirit to overcome all hardships in the CEO profession as well as to light up the flame of enthusiasm and belief in the sustainability of Vietnamese enterprises, CEO Club officially changed the color of its brand from green to red and the website was changed to
After 7 years of operating with new principles, CEO Club has attracted more than 150 enterprises, mostly large Vietnamese enterprises with primary activities like: hosting the monthly CEO Lunch program which creates opportunities for the CEOs to meet, exchange and share opinions on hot issues of the market at the moment; collaborating with domestic and foreign organizations like Cancham, MBC, Hawa… to connect members as well as open up trading – cooperating opportunities with foreign enterprises in Trade Promotion programs; the CEO Night program held quarterly is also a special event to strengthen the friendship between members, CEO guests, Consul Generals and domestic and foreign organizations. Besides, the new website of CEO Club provides useful information on sharing management experiences of domestic and foreign CEOs as well as constant update on CEO Club’s information and the situation of the market and economy. The weekly online news is also a special feature of the CEO Club up to now.
In the long run, CEO Club will continue to fulfill the role and mission of “Sharing knowledge, increasing value” to bring the CEO Club brand to a new height and we wish to become a high-reputation social – career organization of Vietnamese practicing Managing Director profession in Vietnam. CEO Club will accompany all enterprises to overcome current economic difficulties. Furthermore, we will give supports to youths with qualities and determination to work in this profession, in order to create a supply of proficient and professional CEO resource for the country.
The responsibility the CEO Club shouldering is definitely not a simple task. On this journey full of hardships and challenges, we wish to receive continuous support, sharing from members, experts, consultants, as well as authorities for constant advancement of the CEO Club and to become a bridge connecting domestic and foreign enterprises.
Contact us and we would love to answer any questions you may have.
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